VRX Silica (ASX: VRX) has announced the results of a drill program completed at the Arrowsmith Central Silica Sand Project, located 270km north of Perth, WA.
· Arrowsmith Central total Mineral Resource estimate increased to 76.5Mt @ 96.8% SiO2
· Mineral Resource estimate includes 28.2Mt @ 96.6% SiO2 of Indicated Resource
· Increase of 273% on the maiden Mineral Resource estimate
· Ore Reserve estimate and BFS underway
· Total Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources across all three Projects in excess of 1 billion tonnes
The drill program was undertaken during March 2019 enabling a new Mineral Resource to be estimated following receipt of analytical results.
The Mineral Resource estimate (MRE) for Arrowsmith Central has been upgraded to an Indicated Mineral Resource of 28.2 Mt @ 96.6% SiO2 in addition to an Inferred Mineral Resource of 48.3 Mt @ 96.9% SiO2 for a total MRE of 76.5 Mt @ 96.8% SiO2.
All Mineral Resources are reported in accordance with the JORC Code 2012.
VRX Silica Managing Director Bruce Maluish said: “The Arrowsmith Central Silica Sand Project is ideally positioned for a unique logistics solution with the Project traversed by the Eneabba to Geraldton rail line with a direct connection to the Geraldton Port.
“This Mineral Resource estimation will now allow the Company to finalise estimates of Ore Reserves which will support the impending BFS,” said Maluish.
The Indicated Mineral Resource is predominately within the Mining Lease application area for Arrowsmith Central and the Company expects that the majority of the Indicated Mineral Resource will convert to Probable Reserves and a long-life mining project.
Mr Maluish continued, “This Mineral Resource is complementary to our Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project and adds not only to our total inventory but will also produce alternative products for the glassmaking and foundry industries in Asia.”