During the December quarter, West Australian explorer Artemis Resources (ASX: ARV) completed a new high-grade gold, copper and cobalt inferred mineral resource estimate for its Carlow project, south of Karratha in the Pilbara, of 704,000oz at a gold-equivalent grade of 2.5 g/t from 8.74Mt of open pit and underground ore.
The Carlow deposits are open in multiple directions and Artemis has planned infill and extensional drilling for Q1 2023.
At Artemis’ second core project, Paterson Central in the east Pilbara, exploration focused on the Apollo prospect after sulphide mineralisation associated with breccias was identified peripheral to, and within a dolerite intrusion following the extension of Q3 2022 diamond drill hole GDRC006. Two diamond drill holes were completed during the quarter to assist in defining the potential and orientation of the mineralised breccia.
The Apollo prospect is 2km along strike of Newcrest Mining (ASX: NCM) and Greatland Gold’s (AIM: GGP) 6.5 Moz Havieron gold-copper deposit.
View the Artemis December Quarterly Activities Report
View the Artemis December Quarterly Cashflow Report