West Australian gold explorer BMG Resources Limited (ASX: BMG) is pleased to report that it has completed a sub-audio magnetic survey (SAM) at its high-grade Abercromby Gold Project in the north-eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.
- BMG has completed a high-resolution sub-audio magnetic (SAM) ground geophysical survey over the northern 3km of the Abercromby mineralised corridor, including the high-grade gold zones at the Capital and Capital North Prospects.
- Designed to complement the existing project database, including the high-grade results from the December 2020 drill program.
- Geophysical data has highlighted several structural trends that are interpreted to be controls on gold mineralisation.
- Survey results highlight the potential for the discovery of further significant gold mineralisation along strike and at depth.
- Next Abercromby drill program in advanced planning stage.
The SAM geophysical survey has provided high-resolution mapping of the structures in the northern part of the project area, which are the controls on gold mineralisation. This information has increased BMG’s confidence in its geological and structural model for Abercromby, which will substantially assist in planning follow-up drilling.
BMG’s recent work at Abercromby has confirmed a high-grade gold system with excellent growth potential.
The Company’s maiden drill program at Abercromby was completed in December 2020 and was the first to be conducted at the project in more than 15 years. The program intersected wide intervals of gold mineralisation, including intercepts of bonanza grades, with several drill holes ending in gold mineralisation (refer to ASX Announcement on 9 March 2021 ‘Excellent New High Grade Gold Intercepts at Abercromby’ for details of the results).
Preliminary metallurgical test work has been undertaken by BMG on recent samples from Abercromby. Results confirmed that the gold is free-milling and amenable to conventional carbon-inleach (CIL) processing, with high gold recoveries achieved (refer to ASX Announcement on 20 April 2021 ‘High Gold Recoveries (Average 90%) from Metallurgical Testwork of Abercromby Drill Samples’).
BMG Managing Director Bruce McCracken said:
“The SAM survey has successfully identified known gold-bearing structures and also mapped continuity of these structures into areas where little or no drilling has taken place.
“This highlights the potential for considerable further growth of the mineralised footprint at Abercromby.
“These are exciting results that bode well for future ounce discovery, and we look forward to further exploring the potential of Abercromby when our upcoming drill program commences.”