West Australian gold explorer Focus Minerals (ASX: FML) has provided an update on its Coolgardie gold project which covers 175km2 of highly prospective tenements and the 1.2Mtpa Three Mill Hill processing plant (on care and maintenance) on the outskirts of the Coolgardie township in the WA Goldfields.
Updating the 2017 Pre-feasibility Study remains as priority – expected to complete early next month.
Resource model review is in progress for Brilliant area.
Currently, Focus’ priority in relation to Coolgardie remains as completing the update of the 2017 Coolgardie Pre-feasibility Study (2017 PFS) in order to take advantage of a much-improved gold price environment. Focus expects the 2017 PFS update will be finished early next month.
In addition, Focus conducted exploration activities and the details are as follows.
Brilliant Area
Five RC holes for 960m were drilled at the northern end of the existing Brilliant Open Pit and a further three RC holes for 470m were drilled at Brilliant North during March 2020. The drilling targeted proof of concept for a new mineralisation model where significant mineralisation was hosted by moderate east dipping lodes, not just the steep lodes historically targeted.
It is noted that historic sampling of some Brilliant North drilling campaigns has been incomplete, with sampling focused towards the main steep lode structural positions. This has been a barrier to early confirmation of the structural control at Brilliant North.
Focus is currently in the process of reviewing the existing resource models in light of the recent drilling results.
Treasure Island
Treasure Island prospect sits on the southern extension of the Boulder-Lefroy Fault, which hosts numerous high-grade gold and nickel deposits, including the Kalgoorlie Super Pit.
In May 2020, Focus completed a short campaign of rock-chip confirmation sampling to target mapped veins. In total, 613 rock chip samples were taken to confirm historically reported rock chip sample values. The intention of the sampling program was to test sampling protocols and logistics ahead of proposed representative sampling programs.
Focus remains confident in the potential of Treasure Island and has filed a mining lease application.
Coolgardie Regional Exploration
During March, seven RC reconnaissance drill holes for 565m were completed. Results have just been received by Focus. The drilling targeted the following prospects:
Baileys – one hole for 162m;
Ada – two holes for 193m; and
Emu Hill – four holes for 410m.