West Australian gold explorer Focus Minerals Limited (ASX: FML) refers to the announcement by Theta Gold Mines Limited (ASX: TGM) on 14 February 2022, which included:
- a copy of TGM’s fourth supplementary bidder’s statement (Fourth Supplementary Bidder’s Statement) relating to its off-market takeover offer for certain shares (Focus Offer Shares) in Focus (TGM Offer); and
- a notice of variation which extended the closing date of the TGM Offer and set out the increased consideration under the TGM Offer (Notice of Variation).
The Focus Board of Directors has requested Shandong Gold International Mining Corporation Limited (Shandong Gold) to provide a written update of its intentions in relation to the TGM Offer following the release of the Fourth Supplementary Bidder’s Statement and the Notice of Variation on 14 February 2022.
Shandong Gold has now provided a further letter with a written update of its intentions regarding the TGM Offer since the previous letter from Shandong Gold released on 8 February 2022. A copy of that letter accompanies this announcement. Notwithstanding the extension to the closing date of the TGM Offer and the increased consideration under the TGM Offer, Shandong Gold has reaffirmed its previously stated intention that it intends to REJECT the TGM Offer in its current form.