Focus Minerals (ASX: FML) announced during the December quarter that, at the Coolgardie gold project in WA, it had reported a Resource update to the CNX Mineral Resource and a maiden Mineral Resource for Green Light. At the Laverton gold project in WA it reported a Mineral Resource update at Beasly Creek. The company spent a total of $2.2 million on exploration activities.
The Focus board approved the resumption of mining plan for Coolgardie including the submission of a mine plan proposal for the Greenfields open pit, refining of mill refurbishment engineering scope, progressing with planning for Three Mile Hill operational infrastructrure and optimisation of the PFS mine plan. The company succesfully raised $25.95 million following the completion of an entitlement offer and welcomed Wanghong Yang as executive chairman, and Richard O’Shannassy as independent non-executive director.