Heavy rare earths producer Northern Minerals Limited [ASX: NTU) is pleased to announce that exploration drilling at the Cyclops, Rockslider and Banshee prospects has returned highly anomalous portable XRF (pXRF) measurements of yttrium over relatively wide zones. These three prospects are located less than 15km from the Browns Range processing plant.
- Northern Minerals successfully completes 8,700 metres of exploration drilling at Browns Range in July and August 2021;
- Preliminary field pXRF results from Rockslider and Banshee South indicate broad anomalism from these prospects;
- All assays reporting Total Rare Earth Oxide (TREO) are currently awaited however first results are expected in early September 2021;
- Follow up RC drilling (8,000m) due to commence mid-September.
Reverse Circulation drilling commenced in early July 2021 (ASX Release of 5 July 2021) at Browns Range targeting a second phase of drilling to follow up on drilling completed in late 2020. The main target areas are within the Banshee prospect and along the SE unconformity corridor from Dazzler to Quicksilver. To date, 8,700 metres of drilling has been completed in 120 holes.