In the ASX announcement titled “Director Resignation” dated 22 September 2021, at the time Raleigh Finlayson retired as executive director, Northern Star advised that Mr Finlayson had been invited – and Mr Finlayson had agreed – to re-join the board as a non-executive director on 4 April 2022.
As a result of subsequent conversations, including since Mr Finlayson took up the managing director’s role at Genesis Minerals Ltd (ASX: GMD) on 21 February 2022, Northern Star and Mr Finlayson have agreed that Mr Finlayson will not re-join the Northern Star board. The decision reflects governance considerations arising from Northern Star’s shareholding in Genesis, a growing Australian gold company.
Chairman Michael Chaney AO acknowledged Mr Finlayson’s significant contribution to Northern Star’s past success.