West Australian focused gold exploration and development company, Rox Resources Limited (ASX: RXL) has added more ounces to the Mineral Resource Estimate for the Youanmi Gold Project near Mt Magnet, WA, with more likely to come in the first half of this year.
Rox reported Youanmi’s Total Mineral Resource is 3 Moz Au, an increase of 1.34 Moz Au. The previous resource for Youanmi Deeps and Near Surface was published in June 2021 (ASX announcement 23rd June 2021).
Rox Managing Director Alex Passmore said it was likely there would be a further update on the total resource at Youanmi.
“This resource update sees a tripling of the 2018 Deeps Resource with more drilling from the last few months of 2021 still to be incorporated in the overall resource,” he said.
All in exploration costs for the Youanmi Gold Project since Rox acquired its stake in 2019 indicate a discovery cost of just $7 per ounce.