NRW Holdings (ASX:NWH) has announced that the Southwest Connex Alliance, (comprising Acciona, NRW Contracting, MACA Civil, AECOM and Aurecon) has been named as the preferred proponent for the Bunbury Outer Ring Road project.
NRW Contracting is a 40% partner in the Alliance.
As Preferred Proponent, the Southwest Connex Alliance now enters a period of negotiation for the Project Alliance Agreement. Following successful negotiations Contract Award is anticipated in September 2020.
The construction of the Bunbury Outer Ring Road will deliver vital infrastructure to provide a safer and more efficient road system for the South-West of Western Australia.
The project scope for the Alliance includes the investigation, design and construction of 27 kilometres of four lane dual carriageway rural highway connecting Forrest Highway at Australind to Bussell Highway at Gelorup including grade separated interchanges, rail and river crossings and 20 kilometres of new and upgraded local government roads.
The project is fully funded for $852 million and is expected to have a duration of three and a half years. During construction, the project will provide significant direct and indirect employment opportunities benefitting the State and local community.
Commenting on the announcement NRW’s CEO and Managing Director, Jules Pemberton said,
“I am delighted that the Southwest Connex Alliance has been named as the Preferred Proponent of the Bunbury Outer Ring Road project. This announcement marks a significant milestone in NRW’s strategic evolution to an Australian Tier 1 contractor status and specifically our desire to build a large delivery capability across the Government Infrastructure works sector.
“The recent acquisition of BGC Contracting together with our existing capability in civil construction has both significantly accelerated and enhanced our ability to participate as a large construction partner in Public works projects.
“We look forward to working closely with our Alliance partners and Main Roads through the Preferred Proponent stage”.