Growth-focused Western Australian nickel company St George Mining (ASX: SGQ) has announced significant drill results at its flagship Mt Alexander Project, located in the north-eastern Goldfields. The maiden deep drilling along the Cathedrals Belt has confirmed the potential for more nickel-copper sulphides at depth.
· Maiden Deep Drilling Along the Cathedrals Belt Confirms Potential for More Nickel-Copper Sulphides at Depth
· Drill hole MAD160 was completed as a deep stratigraphic hole at the Investigators Prospect and intersected a 20m thick mafic-ultramafic unit from 248m downhole including disseminated and blebby sulphides in a 9m interval from 259m downhole
· The mineralised interval consists of between 1-5% sulphides comprising pentlandite (pn), chalcopyrite (cp) and pyrrhotite (po) – laboratory assays are pending and will confirm the metal content of the mineralised interval
· MAD160 confirms a thickening of the mineralised ultramafic in the north-northwest downdip direction, and supports the potential for additional nickel-copper sulphide deposits at depth
· MAD160 is one of four deep holes completed at the Cathedrals Belt in the current drill programme, with all four drill holes having intersected prospective ultramafic units downplunge of known nickel-copper sulphide mineralisation
· Down-hole electromagnetic (DHEM) surveys are planned for all deep holes to search for mineralisation around the hole, including below the hole
MAD160 is the latest deep drill hole completed at the Cathedrals Belt and intersected a 20m thick mineralised mafic-ultramafic at 248m downhole.
The mineralised interval is 100m down-plunge of the closest known high-grade mineralisation – representing a significant extension to the strike of mineralisation down-plunge.
John Prineas, St George Mining’s Executive Chairman, said: “High-grade nickel-copper sulphides at shallow depths have already been identified by drilling at the Investigators, Stricklands, Cathedrals and Radar Prospects.
“The east-west strike of this mineralisation extends for 5.5km on the Cathedrals Belt with another 10.5km of the Cathedrals Belt remaining underexplored and prospective for further deposits of mineralisation.
“The significant east-west strike of high-grade mineralisation along the Cathedrals Belt is indicative of a large mineral system which is also likely to have a significant depth extension.
“It is pleasing to see the results of MAD160 fitting perfectly to this geological model and confirming the continuation of the mineralised ultramafic at depth.
“With limited drilling at depth, the latest drill results are very encouraging for the potential to discover more mineralisation in the north-northwest down-dip direction of the mineralised ultramafic units.”
The mineral system at the Cathedrals Belt is interpreted to be an intrusive system with the maficultramafic intrusions that host nickel-copper sulphides having passed upwards from the Earth’s mantle through major east-west orientated faults located in the northern section of the Cathedrals Belt.