VRX Silica (ASX: VRX) today announced it has successfully completed the construction and testing of the production water bore at its 100% owned Arrowsmith North silica sand project in WA.
Importantly, the company now has a reliable supply of water for the production of high-quality silica sand at the Arrowsmith North project.
VRX’s Managing Director Bruce Maluish said: “This is yet another significant step in the development of the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project.
“The production of high quality silica sand requires a reliable water supply and this bore more than meets our specification. Adequate testing has been completed to allow for VRX to apply for an abstraction licence from the Dongara basin deep Yarragadee formation without affecting other users of the superficial water sources.
“Based on the indicative timetable now available to the Company, VRX expects to begin Arrowsmith North’s six-month construction period in January 2023.”