Australia’s newest quality gold producer Gold Road Resources (ASX: GOR) has appointed Ms Maree Arnason as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company effective Monday, 15 June 2020.
Ms Arnason, FAICD, is an experienced director and senior executive whose career has spanned 30 years in the natural resources, energy and manufacturing sectors with companies including BHP Billiton, Carter Holt Harvey, Svenska Cellulosa AB (SCA) and Wesfarmers, working across various commodities including copper/gold, iron ore, timber, coal, mineral sands and natural gas.
As a Co-Founder/Director of Energy Access Services, who operate an independent Western Australian (WA) focused digital trading platform for wholesale gas buyers and sellers, Ms Arnason has experience in the start-up, commercialisation and innovation space and was recognised as one of the Top 100 Global Inspirational Women in Mining in 2018.
In her executive career, Ms Arnason was a member of divisional leadership teams for several listed companies with businesses and services located globally. She has worked in many complex corporate, site and project environments with a focus on risk and reputation and has expertise in strategy, sustainability, risk, stakeholder relations, transformations, corporate affairs including government, indigenous and regulatory, divestments and integrations.
Ms Arnason is a non-executive director of ASX 200 Sandfire Resources Limited, where she is Chair of their Sustainability Committee and a member of their Audit and Risk Committee. She serves on the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) Corporate Governance Consultative Panel, is an Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) WA Division Councillor, and is a member of the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) WA State Advisory Council.
Gold Road’s Chairman, Tim Netscher welcomed the appointment of Ms Arnason to the Board. “Following the recent transition of the Gruyere Project to production status, Gold Road is currently on the threshold of embarking on our next exciting phase of growth. With this in mind, some months ago, the Board of Directors conducted a rigorous assessment of our board skills matrix. This process identified a few areas where we can strengthen our board skills to enable us to successfully deliver on our strategy. Maree’s skills neatly complement those of the other board members and I am looking forward to her joining the rest of the board in playing a leadership role in achieving our objectives.”
Gold Road also advises that Mrs Carol Marinkovich, Joint Company Secretary, has resigned in her official capacity as a Company Secretary effective Monday, 15 June 2020. Mrs Marinkovich will continue to provide services to Gold Road including as secretary to the Gruyere Joint Venture committees. Mr Hayden Bartrop will continue as Company Secretary.
Mr Netscher also thanked Mrs Marinkovich for her dedicated service over the past three years. “During this time, Gold Road has grown significantly and Carol has ensured that the company secretarial function has appropriately matured and attained the level of excellence expected of an ASX 200 company.”