Jupiter Mines has released its Quarterly Activities Report for the third quarter ended 30 November 2023, outlining performance at the Tshipi Borwa Manganese Mine in South Africa, in which it holds a 49.9 per cent beneficial interest.
Thsipi produced 748,000 tonnes in the quarter – 12 per cent less than the previous quarter due to drill rig availability, and 781,000 tonnes was sold.
Jupiter reported an EBITDA for the quarter of $47.5 million and an NPAT of $30.2 million.
Zero lost time injuries occurred at Tshipi during the quarter, with a record 600 days LTI free reached during the quarter. Tshipi’s total recordable injury rate of 0.38 represents an 80 per cent improvement since the commencement of mining in 2012.
Jupiter managing director Brad Rogers will announce the Company’s future growth strategy prior to 31 March 2023 based on planning and development work performed during 2022.