Western Australian focused oil and gas company Buru Energy (ASX:BRU) reminds Eligible Shareholders in Buru Energy’s current Share Purchase Plan Offer (Offer), that the closing date for the Offer is this Friday, 4 June 2021. All applications must be received by 5:00pm Sydney time (3:00pm Perth time) on this date.
The fastest way to apply and pay for your SPP Shares is by using BPAY. You can apply using the BPAY information provided on your personalised SPP application form that was sent to Eligible Shareholders. If you have not received the Share Purchase Plan Offer documentation and wish to apply for shares in the Offer you can download your personalised SPP application form by going online to https://events.miraqle.com/BRU-OFFER/SPP/. There is also a link to this on the Buru Energy website at www.buruenergy.com.
For any information or assistance, please call the Buru SPP Information Line, Monday to Friday, between 8:30am and 7:30pm (Sydney time) on 1300 202 738 (within Australia) or +61 1300 202 738 (outside Australia).
The full terms and conditions of the Offer were included in the SPP Booklet announced to ASX when the Offer opened on 6 May 2021. Capitalised terms in this announcement have the same meaning as set out in the SPP Booklet.
Eligible Shareholders are able to apply for SPP Shares at an issue price of $0.16 per SPP Share up to a maximum of $30,000 in value or a total of 187,500 shares without incurring any brokerage. Applications must be in increments as set out in the SPP Booklet that should be referred to for details of the Offer.
Eligible Shareholders are reminded they can only apply and pay for shares under the Offer using either BPAY or by submitting an application form and a cheque or money order. All application and payment details are included in the Offer documentation mailed to all eligible shareholders.